You Have To Roll With The Punches…


The timing could not have been more inconvenient. Covid-19, the worldwide pandemic has hit hard – harder than I thought it would when I first started taking notice of the situation in China in January. RIP to all those who have perished in this devastating virus attack.

Before the virus, the life of an Adventure Athlete/Digital Nomad/Travelling Family – all seemed to line up perfectly. Selling up everything and starting an adventure in Paris and then surfing in Biarritz on the South West coast of France was the plan and we were all set! I was training at peak performance and I had intensive swimming lessons for both surfing and triathlon challenges. Tickets booked and family home sold – we were one of those families that ‘sells up and goes around the World’!

Then, bang – the day after selling – we warned about travel to Paris and I made the choice to postpone the trip for safety – Health before everything – a decision that has paid off as if we had been in France, we would have been shipped back to the UK due to the lockdown…and homeless!

SO…Plan B – spend a week in the Cotswolds before heading to the coast. Time to reflect, take control of my mind and get over the disappointment of not going away and figure out a way to make the UK an adventure to remember in these unprecedented times of isolation and lockdowns. So I have kept to the twice a day workouts – running outside at a safe 2 meters distance from anyone. I have maintained a healthy nutrition plan with more intense intermittent fasting (18:6 rather than 16:8). I have further developed my AI Financial Trading business since I have more time and I have set time aside to learn more entrepreneurial skills to match my physical training intensity.

Kidney Disease and Covid-19…well my last test showed my kidney functioning at its best rating/score to date continuing the increased trajectory over the past few years – Relentless mindset and training keeps paying off – but I do possibly have to be more careful than most of this virus although it hammers the lungs and heart so I am technicallyin a lower risk group . Being lean, nutritionally sound and ultra fit sets my immunity to the highest possible state so even I was to get it or had it already, my body will cope.

The way I see it – every situation presents a challenge, not a problem and having good health and family by your side trumps everything else.

Stay safe everyone.

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