A New Relentless Life


Not a terrible view from my Lockdown AirBnb flat in the evening – an awesome sunset is a great time to reflect on life and what’s next.

Now, I was about to post a Ketogenic Nutrition Blog but it was clear and obvious that during these crazy Covid times and whilst the Planet is on Lockdown, it’s time to relax the  strict nutrition plan…especially when trips to the supermarket are rushed to avoid being exposed to the virus and I’m sharing meals with carb eating family members. That’s right I said it – more carbs I know…like I said crazy times we all live in.

It’s been 4 weeks of lockdown and by now I would have been in northern Spain planning Portugal and some serious surfing, parkour and a triathlon in Nazure. Now I don’t even go outside for a run such is the infection rate and death toll of this virus. How do I feel about world travel disintegrating at the point of departure? Sadness for all the suffering across the world and in awe of all the people working on the frontline helping those who are suffering. I know the world is always waiting and all I hope and wish for is for humanity to get through this unprecedented disaster.

20200322_142559(Taken before lockdown – A beach i now can’t visit for safety #stayathome)

So holed up in an AirBnB – am I still living Relentlessly? A big yes. It’s the only way I know how to live. In fact I have raised my own bar to a higher level both physically and mentally. So I may have upped my carbs and some treats (I assume a version of comfort eating) but I have also upped my training to 3 sessions a day everyday – burning extra carbs in my system and saving my pancreas from doing any extra work.

My daily routine is pretty packed. I wake up and just power up my mind by being grateful for my family’s health. Jacked up on positive vibes, I hit my first training session which is currently Joe Wicks and his Body Coach family workout – easy but more importantly great to bond with the family…a nice way to start the day. I then home-school my toddler which I was doing before the lockdown for a year and I also had a world-schooling plan whilst travelling so that transition has been straight forward.

IMG_20200408_192017_473(Starting the day with some Body Coach Joe Wicks moves)

Just before lunch, I hit the weights which is a mix on plyometric and traveling suitcases as weights. And I am using the wardrobe as a chin-up machine…painful for the fingers. I have kept my intermittent fasting routine going so lunch is my 1st meal and most importantly I am doing two training sessions in a fasted state. Then I spend the afternoon working on my new business venture and studying about international diversification & investing. I then try and fit in a little downtime of reading, learning Spanish or watching a tv series (currently watching Lost – feels appropriate to life right now).

Before an early dinner (those with toddlers will understand) I hit another intense HIIT session to complete my 3rd session of the day. Then it’s down time and early bed to try and get 8 hours plus sleep and the next day I repeat.

So what are my thoughts on travel plans? I think it may not be until October before we can fly and I am hoping a challenge in Bali at end of the year still goes ahead – so I have to train like a machine. Soon we will be moving to a totally isolated village where running outdoors can recommence. Keeping my mind and body in top shape is a must – simple as that. I have lost my sponsors as the economy has tanked and what they pledged has gone to furlough payments and trying to keep their businesses alive. So who knows what athlete sponsorship I get once Covid is over if any at all.

But before leaving on a 2 year journey I was taking a mini retirement from the entrepreneur world. Now with Covid and lockdown, I have a new lease of entrepreneur fire and thirst to learn. I have 6 months to build another project and that’s pretty exciting and maybe needed if sponsors are thin and  I am self funding some of my challenges.

A lot going on indeed and yes there are times I feel lethargic and wishing I was sprinting around the World with all the lined up challenges but training the mind is as important as fitness training. Control your mind…the rest will follow.

Stay safe.

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